How did this fascinating journey start?

A group of enthusiasts passionate about a healthy lifestyle has been drawn to the concept of collagen, which is essential for keeping people youthful and active in the later stages of their lives.

It turns out that a majority of consumers would like to use collagen as part of their daily routine.

The journey was a bumpy route. Finding a name and developing a brand took some time – but turned out to be much easier than to develop the formulation of the actual product. So to call it Qwell collagen water was one thing. To actually produce it was an entire different story. A lot of research and testing went under way until finally a working solution was found. The Qwell formula is quite unique. It has since been backed up by clinical studies as well as by the findings of scientific specialists.

This is when the idea of collagen water was born.

Strategy for the next 3 years

When we created and launched Qwell in the market, we established a strategy based on three main pillars:

1.Developing new products (bars), new flavors, and new drinks with fish collagen (such as collagen-infused tea and carbonated beverages).

2.Creating a fully integrated company in France with a strong focus on research and development, as well as high-quality production.

3.Initiating geographical expansion.

R&D hub in France

In 2022, a new strategy partnership was established with Welldrinks France, an independent French structure as a partner of Welldrinks ltd. The aim is to create an R&D, production site and main hub in France for all international markets.

Today Qwell stands for an active and healthy lifestyle and it encourages us everyday to continue on our path and come up with a new ideas.

Focus on Quality

Today, Welldrinks Ltd. proudly delivers this exceptional product to the world inviting you to experience the pinnacle of taste, health, and well-being in every refreshing drop of Qwell Collagen Water.
We strive to offer a refreshing and healthy beverage option with natural, sugar-free, and preservative-free ingredients, catering specifically to the active and conscious people.

Naira Adamyan is co-founder of Welldrinks France and Head of Innovation and strategy in France. Naira Adamyan is in charge of developing a strong vision and strategy of company, bringing science and innovation to well-being, enriching portfolio, attracting critical capabilities and optimising business model.

Naira Adamyan is a medical doctor by training with PhD in Immunology and MBA from US based Thunderbird School of Global Management. After spending 10 years in medicine as practitioner and researcher, she moved to BIG Pharma, where she spent about 20 years more than 25 years firstly in Johnson & Johnson (in The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson), then in Sanofi.

Her passion is to serve to consumers, to empower them to lead their own trajectory to the health and well being with the help of science and technology in a sustainable manner.


Event in which Qwell took part as Awards (separatly)

FIBO Global Fitness – world’s biggest wellness trade show 2019
Sofia Fashion week 2019
Technology conference Cyber in Sofia Tech park 2019
Sofia Fashion Week 2020
TEDxVitosha 2021-2022
Miximal Revanche online sports reality 2021-2022
PR Prize competition at PR festival (organized by BDVO) 2021-2022
Miss Bulgaria at Nu Boyana Film Studios 2023

Event in which Qwell took part as Awards (separatly)

FIBO Global Fitness – world’s biggest wellness trade show 2019

Sofia Fashion week 2019

Technology conference Cyber in Sofia Tech park 2019

Sofia Fashion Week 2020

TEDxVitosha 2021-2022

Miximal Revanche online sports reality 2021-2022

PR Prize competition at PR festival (organized by BDVO) 2021-2022

Miss Bulgaria at Nu Boyana Film Studios 2023


Finalist @PepsiCo Incubator
Finalist @Global Bottled Water Awards in 2 categories (Best Technology Innovation and Best in PET)


Finalist @PepsiCo Incubator

Finalist @Global Bottled Water Awards in 2 categories (Best Technology Innovation and Best in PET)
